

PHOTO: 2017, Niangal Village, Senegal

The Center for Theater & Pedagogy of the Oppressed (CTPO)

CTPO is a hybrid, digital and in-person, popular theater and popular education portal which combines established pedagogy and practice with new innovations in applied theater to address, unmask and dismantle all forms of oppression everywhere. Our mission is to bring the full improvisational swag of our ancestors to bear on 21st century challenges to humanity.

As a U.S. based practice of theater and pedagogy of the oppressed, CTPO recognizes as a central point of historical reckoning, the legacy of chattel slavery, the embedded refusal to vanquish anti-black caste systems, and the continued imposition of state sanctioned and enforced structural racism, in our own country and globally.


Anyone can do theater even actors. And theater can be done anywhere even in a theater.
— Augusto Boal

PHOTO: Senegalese Youth Popular Theater Encounter ensemble audition, 2016